Rich contacted me asking if I’d be willing to have a shoot with him and his girlfriend Holly. The plan was to have an outdoor shoot by a lake where they had one of their first dates. Unfortunately (or, actually, fortunately), we were forced to rethink that plan due to weather issues, and ended up choosing a small brewery in Bluemont, Virginia. This turned out to be an amazing stroke of luck, since Rich and Holly love beer, and we had a whole room to ourselves in this brewery on the top of a mountain.

During the shoot, Rich took out his guitar and played *their* song for Holly. The air was thick with love, and Holly could not hold back tears. After the song, Rich reached into his guitar case and pulled out the ring, and the result can be seen in these pictures.

Following is part of a poem that Rich sent me afterwards:

“Our love came
unannounced in the middle of the night.
Our love came when we ‘d given up
on asking love to come. I think
that has to be part
of its miracle.”

– Clementine of Radics